A Journey of Devotion & Growth at Listenlights

Have you heard of Pluto? It was once considered a planet in our solar system, but scientists have now classified it as a dwarf planet, which is smaller. Pluto doesn’t care about this change. It keeps orbiting the sun at the same speed, no matter what.

Whether you call it a planet, a satellite, or a dwarf planet, Pluto continues its journey unchanged. This means that whether I am called senior or junior, I will always work at LISTENLIGHTS with the same dedication, hard work, and passion that brought me to where I am now. As my responsibilities grow with new roles, my approach will evolve too.

I vividly remember a pivotal moment in my career when I faced a temporary setback at work due to personal circumstances. This low period lasted for a few days. The next year, I received the Customer Pat Reward, and two years later, in June, I received a special invitation from management for an award ceremony, where I was promoted to Senior EHS Officer.

When I recall my journey at LISTENLIGHTS, from lows to highs, I found the secret mantra for achieving my goals. I cherish the moment when I received a letter addressed to my family: “Dear Niyogi Family, we have some great news to share with you.”

At LISTENLIGHTS, achieving a big goal or success is simple. Do you know how? The formula is easy, just follow and trust the process, and adhere to the six rules of the spiritual foundation. Understanding the way makes success effortless. Success is not an accident, it is the result of our attitude, and our attitude is a choice. Hence, success is a matter of choice, not chance.

If you ask me about SOCH’s spiritual foundations, I would say it is a continuous learning program that you need to follow. Intellectual education influences the mind and values, but the lessons from SOCH touch the heart.

Thank you, LISTENLIGHTS. Thank you, SOCH.


Siddhes Niyogi
Senior Officer – EHS


Our Corporate Philosophy defines our work ethos. Every action we take is a step towards making the world a better place. To know more about our Spiritual Foundations – https://listenlights.com/soch/